Sunday, October 05, 2008

Happy Hari Raya

Time sure passes by fast! Its the annual Hari Raya get-together at Hazwani's place again.. :)

Ann Jia Jin was missing in action for the 2nd yr running!!! Retail line does that to ppl hur? But I can't exactly fault her for being a responsible employee can I? *sighs*

[Frm left: Xinyu, Hazwani, Me, Maziah, Sze Rui]

Us with Haz's really cute and noisy Primary 3 sister, Izzati...

She got me really appreciative of my sisters who don't go blabbering my quirky habits to all my friends.. Btw, she tattled all the way back to when Haz was Primary 5. So tt is saying for something, no? :P

Izzati: Did you know when Hazwani puts on 1kg, she will run 10 times?
Hazwani: I always run, Izzati...
Izzati: Well, she runs 10 times more!!!!
Hazwani: But I don't wanna be heavier than 43 kg!
Izzati: At least you are not as heavy as our cousin.
Hazwani: Huh? Who?
Izzati: Adil is 55kg!!
Hazwani: Adil is a GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Izzati (refusing to back down): Hmm, however much you run, you will not be as thin as my friend. She is 18kg only.
Hazwani [exasperated]: Your friend is in Primary 3!!!
Izzati: Don't you think Hazwani talk alot?
Hazwani: They are my friends. You should be the one keeping quiet.
Izzati: You know when she was in Primary 5, she talk so much on the way home from sch. Everyday must hv one story.
Hazwani: Not your problem! Its my mouth what?!
Izzati: I am your sister. And my ears suffer. So it is my problem.
Hazwani: MAMA!!!! Tell Izzati to go away.
Izzati: Hey, did I tell you that Hazwani is scared of me when I hold the cane? She will run out of the house!

and the conversation continues...

Maziah and Sze Rui..

Xinyu, Haz, Me and mischevious little Izzati...

Good company aside, the really rich food! Yum! =D


The cheese doughnut we kept picking from until we left it quite bald. Haha!

Last yr, Gao Zheng (Xinyu's bf) diagnosed tt this plant wasn't gonna live beyond the new yr.

By Hazwani and her mother's orders, this is the evidence that you do not need a Diploma in Agriculture (which Gao Zheng has) to be able to cure plants.. Hehe. One yr aft last yr's new yr, the said plant is living on pretty well.

A very delighted Hazwani: I put alot of water and fertilizer to prove him wrong!
Izzati eagerly added: She talks to it too!

Pretty flowers on the table... Roses is love. :)

At 6pm, I left for Tampines Mall to meet the family for dinner!!!

Daddy is back hm again cause its the Hari Raya week!!! ^^

See how happy he makes mummy? Love does make the world go round.

The siblings! I am the photographer.. :)

[Frm left: Brian, Trixie, Alisa]

Fierce Alisa chided me for taking paparazzi shots when I should be eating. Grrr...

Food at Pu Tien, the new chinese restaurant at the basement. Food was awesome!

Pumpkin sago...

My all-time favourite wedding dinner dessert, Orh Nee. It doesn't look v appetizing here though.. Ehh, I doubt yam can look really delicious anyway. Teehee~


My Hari Raya holiday was spent this way... As it was children's day, 1st Oct, too, I saw this dedication a mother sent to TV Mobile.

"In my haste to make my son somebody in future, I forgot he is a somebody today."

How apt! I mean every parent in Singapore today focus so much on tuition, homework and academic performances no doubt hoping for a better future for their children but in doing so, they neglect their offspring's passions and feelings in their process of forcing results. :( Its times like this, I'm really grateful to my parents for letting me follow my heart - most of the time.

Esp when mama encouraged me to quit struggling JC and start anew in poly. And when she even confronted my JC principal who remarked "JC students shld not hv a social life! In fact, they shld expect a negative social life". :)

The nxt day at wrk, I was doing the usual matching when I approached the Hong Kong head, Alex, for Oct 1's reports...

Me: I don't hv any confirmations and instructions for October 1st.
Alex (aft searching): Oct 1st is a public holiday.. No transactions.

[I accepted his reasoning and went back to my desk where I found the Singapore dept's Oct 1st reports...]

Me (approaching Alex again): Singapore hv Oct 1st leh.. You sure Hong Kong don't hv?
Alex: Oct 1st is a Hong Kong holiday tts why Hong Kong don't hv.
Me (in disbelief): You think I born yesterday ar?! Hari Raya is a Hong Kong holiday my foot!
Alex: Oh ya hor.. Oh no! Then I think I lost them.
Me: %^%$&*)(

Lol.. Anyway, tmr will mrk the end of my 5-wk stint. And like Ting, I hv been spending more knowing I'll be out of job soon. Gosh, ironic hur?


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